Communication Agency
Aurélia Jourdain is a communication expert and the foundation member of Douze Avril, PR agency. She speaks english and french and has been working since 2007 with clients in professional and technical fields (construction, industry, health, safety, environment, urbanism,…). Passionate about these subjects but having wished to widen her field of action, she collaborates also, with clients in poverty, rights equality, women rights…, and is involved in social work and charity.
And a fair agency
Douze Avril is concerned with many issues such as poverty, rights equality, women rights…, and is very involved in social work and charity.

Communication Agency
Aurélia Jourdain is a communication expert and the foundation member of Douze Avril, PR agency. She speaks english and french and has been working since 2007 with clients in professional and technical fields (construction, industry, health, safety, environment, urbanism,…). Passionate about these subjects but having wished to widen her field of action, she collaborates also, with clients in poverty, rights equality, women rights…, and is involved in social work and charity.
And a fair agency
Douze Avril is concerned with many issues such as poverty, rights equality, women rights…, and is very involved in social work and charity.
Fields of expertise
Media relation
You act, we promote.
Media love to talk about company activities : a new product launch, an exhibition, a merger… These are great occasions to appear in media.
PR are unlike advertisement. Their impact and aim are different. Communicating through the media is an efficient way to develop and spread a firm reputation, to give them a productive image and consequently to help them make profit.
Douze Avril offers two ten-years-experienced PR specialists and a journalists/bloggers database. The medias we contact are specialized in our client’s field, for the impact to be relevant and adapted to each firm.
[PR] What we can realize:
- PR Consulting
- Press releases and press kits, and follow-up with journalists
- Experts articles
- One-to-one interviews, meetings, press conferences
- Practical applications
- Strategic review
Douze Avril applies a client-oriented approach, and provides its clients with a reporting and clippings on a weekly basis, as needed. We communicate about what we do.
And also :
- Community Management
- Global communication
- Advertising space purchasing
- Events
- Marketing Strategy
Fields of expertise
Media relations
You act, we promote.
Media love to talk about company activities : a new product launch, an exhibition, a merger… These are great occasions to appear in media.
PR are unlike advertisement. Their impact and aim are different. Communicating through the media is an efficient way to develop and spread a firm reputation, to give them a productive image and consequently to help them make profit.
Douze Avril offers two ten-years-experienced PR specialists and a journalists/bloggers database. The medias we contact are specialized in our client’s field, for the impact to be relevant and adapted to each firm.
[PR] What we can realize:
- PR Consulting
- Press releases and press kits, and follow-up with journalists
- Experts articles
- One-to-one interviews, meetings, press conferences
- Practical applications
- Strategic review
Douze Avril applies a client-oriented approach, and provides its clients with a reporting and clippings on a weekly basis, as needed. We communicate about what we do.
And also :
- Community Management
- Global communication
- Advertising space purchasing
- Events
- Marketing Strategy

Contact us
Douze Avril – Communication Agency
13 rue Saint Pierre 94220 Charenton-le-Pont – France
+33 (0)6 60 07 42 47